So, again, viewing all of the models out there, we see a variety of lovely ladies with a bush or fully shaved, so hence the question (to borrow from Shakespeare) – to Bush or No Bush?
For me, personally, I am a fan of no bush, though it’s because I am super hyper-critical of what I perceive to be my “personal odor.” Hubby being the great man he is, says that it the sex hormone is honestly what we humans are smelling, and it is 100% attractive – and he says to NOT be ashamed. However, I feel that the “bush” traps that “smell” in. I may be wrong, it just may be my feelings.
That being said, I have found after watching many hours of porn, and seeing many happy with or without bush, then it really is about YOUR audience and what YOUR audience likes. Do not go with the whims of society of what is acceptable or not at the time you make a decision, though ask yourself what your fan base wants. You could find yourself in a situation where some fellow or lady is paying for your bush shave clippings, and STILL loves you shaved (a nice win-win for you!).
There is no one answer, no one way to go – so keep yourself open to both. Now, I will sound quite mean, though for all you guys out there, I do prefer you keep that shit down there shaved and smooth. No woman likes combing through a forest!